Miss World Canada Anastasia Lin stars in the thriller ‘The Bleeding Edge’ By Jane Gray, September 8, 2016 LONDON-Chinese-born Canadian actress Anastasia Lin is high on China’s most-wanted list. After being crowned Miss World Canada in 2015, instead of pursuing a glamorous life as a beauty queen, she chose to

John Ross, Higher Education reporter,August 24, 2016 A teaching hospital of the University of Sydney has been accused of cultivating questionable links with a Chinese transplant centre, amid a growing furore over organ harvesting. Westmead Hospital has pursued a decade-long relationship with the Third Xiangya Hospital in Changsha, central China,


By Benedict Rogers
June 29, 2016

Across China, a gruesome trade in human organs is taking place on a mass scale. Like something out of a horror movie, livers, kidneys, hearts, lungs, and corneas are being cut out from prisoners of conscience while they are still alive. The victims are then, if still living by that point, executed. If anything proves the meaning of the term “crime against humanity,” it is this bloody, ghoulish practice.

This week, two new reports are being launched in the British Parliament in London that expose the range of China’s appalling human rights abuses. One of them lifts the veil on the scale and nature of forced organ harvesting in China.