Admitting the wide use of organs from death row inmates and denying allegations of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners, while resolutely opposing any independent investigation into these allegations, is the Chinese regime’s current stance.
Admitting to a Lesser Crime
Chinese regime’s transition from categorical denial of the widespread use of organs from death row inmates to a high-profile admission took place as serious charges were being brought forth: procuring organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. How can people today believe the Chinese regime’s denial of these serious new charges any more than its previous denial of using organs from executed inmates?
Using China’s public record, here is a simple math:1. Executed prisoners accounted for major organ source. [1] Before 2007, even as high as over 90%. Only about 130 people in China signed up to donate their organs between 2003 – 2009. [2]
2. The number of death row inmates has decreased since 1999. [3][4]
3. Since 2000, there was a big boom of organ transplants, from nowhere to become the world No.2 transplant nation without any volunteer donation and sharing system in place.
Where did those organs for the big surge come from?
“[T]he Committee takes cognizance of the allegations presented to the Special Rapporteur on Torture who has noted that an increase in organ transplant operations coincides with “the beginning of the persecution of [Falun Gong practitioners]” – United Nations Committee Against Torture, 2008
[1] “Sow Change, Harvest Hope”, Caixin Online,,
[2] China Daily reported that live organ transplants account for 15 urgery cases in 2006. The number has now approached 40%, 65% which are from death row inmates. China Daily, “Public Call for Organ Donations,”,
[3] Duihua Foundation,,
[4]中国死刑数量明显下降 “枪下留人”比例仍较大 (The number of death row executions has decreased significantly), China News, 09/06/2007,,