Scots surgeons urged to cut ties with Chinese professor linked to organ trade accused of ‘harrowing atrocities’ to patients before burning bodies

Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh
28 Feb 2016, b
EDINBURGH’S Royal College of Surgeons are urged to ­withdraw Huang Jiefu’s title after an investigation showed people were allegedly having organs removed without anaesthetic before being burned alive.

A SCOTS medical college have been urged to end ties to a professor linked to organ harvesting.

Huang Jiefu, an honorary fellow at Edinburgh’s Royal College of Surgeons, is in charge of China’s transplant system.

An investigation last year found prisoners are still used to provide organs despite Jiefu ­promising an end to the practice.

Former health workers in the country claimed prisoners had livers, kidneys and corneas removed without an anaesthetic.

Their bodies were then allegedly thrown into a secret incinerator, with some still alive as they burned.

Prisoners of conscience ‘“ held for political or religious beliefs ‘“ are among those believed to be ­victims.

Human rights campaigners want the college to ­withdraw Jiefu’s title to distance themselves from “harrowing ­atrocities”.

Pressure group Tibet Truth have written to every MSP in Scotland asking them to back the move.

John Mason, MSP for Glasgow ­Shettleston, voiced concerns over ­Jiefu’s links to the college.

He said: “I deplore anything to do with the illegal ­harvesting of organs.

Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh

Surgeons Hall, Edinburgh”If it is found that China is still pursuing this policy despite their announcement last year then I would be exceptionally keen that our Scottish medical and other professionals do all they can to pressurise their Chinese ­counterparts into stopping this abhorrent practice.”

Human rights charity Amnesty International are also concerned about the use of prisoner organs for Chinese transplants.

The charity’s Scottish ­programme director Naomi McAuliffe said: “It is appalling that death row inmates have long served as a key source for organ transplants.

“China has repeatedly promised to stop harvesting organs from executed prisoners and we have hailed this as a positive step ­forward in the country’s human rights record. However, ­reclassifying death row prisoners as citizens is disingenuous and it means the Chinese government continue to block transparency about the number of people ­sentenced to death, the number of executions per year and how the executions are ­carried out.”

Falun Gong meditation ­practitioners have been ­persecuted in China since 1999, with many fleeing to escape ­punishments including organ harvesting.

A Falun Gong practitioner is arrest by police

A Falun Gong practitioner is arrest by policeAn activist, who asked not to be named, said: “Removing Dr Huang’s title would demonstrate the college continue to give the highest priority towards ­principles of human rights. It would also provide a much needed distance from China’s regime and their harrowing atrocities.

“Should they choose to ignore this reality, they will place ­ themselves in an exposed ­position. If that were to happen, it’s ­difficult to see how their standing will not be tarnished.”

The Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeons dates back to 1505 and has more than 20,000 ­members worldwide.

The college initially claimed to have no knowledge of the ­professor’s links before ­confirming he was an honorary professor. They refused to ­comment on whether they would investigate ties with Jiefu.

Sydney University did not renew an honorary title given to Jiefu in August.

The Red Cross reported China had just 37 registered donors despite 10,000 transplants taking place in the country each year.

“Should they choose to ignore this reality, they will place ­ Jiefu vowed to introduce a ­voluntary donation system in 2014 but last year the Chinese government admitted ­ continuing to use death row ­prisoner’s organs, by reclassifying them as ­citizens after death.

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